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School Programs

Building Business Skills for the Next Generation of Entrepreneurs

MiTraining offers innovative and practical business programs that inspire young Australians to explore entrepreneurship and gain foundational skills in running a business.

Our school programs provide hands-on experiences that allow students to apply their learning in real-world scenarios, setting the stage for future business ventures. Designed to cater to diverse age groups, each program is tailored to instil essential business knowledge and skills at an appropriate level of complexity.

BSBSS00103 New Business Ventures Skill Set (Intensive)

Our BSBSS00103 New Business Ventures Skill Set (Intensive) program is a fast-paced, four-day course for Year 11-12 students who are eager to take their business ideas from concept to reality. Students dive into the core elements of launching a business—covering market analysis, resource planning, and social media strategies.

This program not only offers valuable insights into entrepreneurship but also allows students to earn a QCE credit, making it an excellent choice for those ready to kickstart their business journeys. This program provides a unique opportunity for young Australians to build confidence and knowledge in business, inspiring them to explore their potential as future leaders and entrepreneurs.

Upcoming School Programs

New BSBSSOO103 New Business Ventures Skillset Intensive

New Business Ventures Skillset: April 2025

7-10 Apr 2025: A nationally recognised course for Year 11-12 school students wanting to turn their small business ideas into reality.
New BSBSSOO103 New Business Ventures Skillset Intensive

New Business Ventures Skillset - June 2025

30 Jun-3 Jul 2025: A nationally recognised course for Year 11-12 school students wanting to turn their small business ideas into reality.

Mini Moguls

For younger students, Cemoh offers Mini Moguls, an 8-week course designed for students from Year 5 through Year 12. With MiTraining as a proud foundational sponsor, this program provides students with eight 75-minute sessions where they learn fundamental business concepts such as market research, product development, and financial literacy, with an emphasis on interactive 'business simulation' activities.

Led by experienced entrepreneurs, this program brings real-world insights directly into the classroom and encourages students to practice entrepreneurial thinking and business planning. Mini Moguls combines engaging lessons with guest speakers and project-based learning, offering students a comprehensive introduction to the business world.

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