Workplace anxiety, a pervasive concern, affects a significant portion of professionals irrespective of their hierarchical standing. This MiTalk navigates the intricacies of this anxiety, its root causes, and the physiological responses it triggers.
Drawing from cutting-edge neurological research, MiTraining's General Manager, Stacey Wallace, introduces a transformative framework. By reprogramming the subconscious, this approach aids in converting debilitating anxiety into an empowering force for improved performance.
- Workplace anxiety is common and impacts health, relationships, and job performance.
- The brain's fight-or-flight response often misinterprets workplace stress as physical threats.
- Our subconscious drives most behaviours, but it can be reprogrammed.
- A four-step framework can transform anxiety into positive performance.
- Visualisation and affirmations are proven to reduce anxiety and boost performance.
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Talking Points
- The ubiquity of workplace anxiety and its implications on health, relationships, and job performance
- The brain's fight-or-flight response to threats: distinguishing between physical threats and perceived workplace pressures
- Insights into the subconscious: the powerhouse behind the majority of our behaviours and the potential to mould it
- A four-step framework to transform workplace anxiety
- The empirical backing of visualisation and affirmations in alleviating anxiety and enhancing performance
Learning Outcomes
- Participants will be presented with the neurological underpinnings of anxiety and its manifestations in the workplace
- Participants will be given a robust, actionable four-step framework to pivot from debilitating anxiety to enhanced productivity
- Through applied techniques of visualisation and affirmations, participants can work on re-shaping their subconscious processes, and fostering healthier workplace habits and beliefs