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The 20:20:20 Morning Routine for Peak Performance at Work

Picture this… It’s a Sunday night, you have set an alarm for 7am just before you drift off to sleep. This alarm will give you enough time to get dressed, have breakfast and commute into work to start at 9.

You are awoken by a pulsating phone, you didn’t have the greatest sleep and just want to lay down for a few more minutes… you jolt awake again, this time in a panic. You had drifted off and it is now reading 8:15am on your phone screen. You skip the shower, throw on some clothes, forget breakfast and jump in the car in a state of disarray knowing full-well that you are going to be late.

Sound familiar? This type of morning can have a flow on effect into your work and life performance. Fortunately, there is a way to avoid this calamity and that is through the power of an effective morning routine.  

Introducing the 20:20:20 morning routine.

This approach to the morning was created by Robin Sharma, a legendary leadership expert and is featured in his book called The 5AM Club. The routine consists of waking up at 5AM and dividing the first hour of consciousness into a quite simple routine:

The 20:20:20 Routine

  • First 20 Minutes – Move: Exercise to wake up your body and boost energy
  • Second 20 Minutes – Reflect: Meditation or journaling for mental clarity and focus
  • Third 20 Minutes – Grow: Learning or personal development to stimulate the mind

Benefits of the 20:20:20 Routine

Physical Exercise

We all know that exercise is good for you, but it can be very easy to say that, “I don’t have the time to exercise”. This morning routine prioritises 20 minutes of getting the body moving early in the day to make you more alert and ready for the day ahead.

Studies have shown that morning exercise benefits extend beyond just physical health, but can also enhance sleep quality, strengthen the immune system and boost metabolism.  

Enhanced Productivity

Robin Sharma describes the morning routine as a person’s ‘victory hour’. He says, “Taking a 60 minute ‘victory hour’ while the rest of the world sleeps gives you a gargantuan competitive advantage – this makes you feel strong and in control of your day”.

The feeling of accomplishment at the beginning of the day can have a significant flow on effect.

Improved Mental Clarity

The second 20 minutes of the routine focuses heavily on maintaining a healthy mental state. Meditation and breathing exercises are recommended during this time to assist with the often-busy minds that can be a result of the work environment.

Taking time out to solely focus on breathing and being present can prompt clearer thought processes and give one a chance to relieve some pent-up tensions.

Continuous Learning

The last portion of your ‘victory hour’ will become a growing stage, a period where you prioritise personal development and mental stimulation each day. This can be achieved through several processes, though The 5AM Club suggests reading a book, studying or listening to a podcast on a topic of interest.

Like daily exercise, you must continually train your brain like a muscle to boost growth and intelligence. Just 20 minutes a day doesn’t sound like it will make you smarter, but continual mental growth stacked up over time can make a big difference in the way you learn new things in the workplace and in daily life.

Implementing the 20:20:20 Routine

Getting Started

For some, the prospect of waking up earlier could be a tad daunting. It certainly won’t be an easy adjustment to make to your life especially if you are not a ‘morning person’.

A key point to focus on when first adopting the routine is that it will eventually get easier. Consistency is key! Your body will become accustomed to rising earlier, which will shift your circadian rhythm appropriately.

According to the National Library of Medicine, “Circadian rhythm is the 24-hour internal clock in our brain that regulates cycles of alertness and sleepiness by responding to light changes in our environment.”

So, waking up at dawn with the rising sun optimises your sleeping patterns.

Customising the Routine

The routine doesn’t have to be something that causes you additional stress. A major reason as to why morning routines fail to stick is a lack of realistic expectations.

It will be incredibly hard to go from zero routine and exercise in the morning to an intense gym session at 5AM, overnight.

So instead, why not just make the movement a walk or a light jog to begin with. Small incremental improvements will lead to large benefits with consistency and time.

This approach can be applied across each component to the morning routine. There is no need to read particularly dense books that won’t stick, instead dive into something that you enjoy spending time learning about to make you want to utilise your 20 minutes.

Making slight tweaks to the routine to make it more accessible to you as an individual will drastically improve the habit adoption outcomes.

How the 20:20:20 Routine Transforms Your Work Life

Better Focus and Concentration: A good morning routine can improve your focus, clarity, and creativity, setting you up for success in the day ahead.

Stress Management: It can also help you to stay motivated and assist with overcoming stress and anxiety. Waking up with ample time before heading to the workplace can also eliminate any anxiety around time constraints or the fear of being late.

Stronger Work Relationships: Not only is mental sharpness important for functioning at a high level at work, but it is also important for communication and building relationships. Being clear and concise in your thought processes can improve overall workplace cohesion.

Additional Resources

To find out more about the effectiveness of a quality morning routine, The 5AM Club is a must-read.

MiTraining offers a variety of virtual Happiness Workshops, powered by Happiness Co, focused on emotional wellbeing in the workplace.

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