Why Use DISC in Your Workplace?
Working with other people is rewarding, energising and, from time-to-time, challenging.
There are many and varied inputs into how people interact in a workplace setting. Much of an individual’s behaviour at work is part of who they are – in other words their ‘hard wired’ personality which informs how they conduct themselves and perceive those around them.
Understanding these behavioural styles in the workplace helps to determine whether an individual is difficult…or just different. So, why is this important?
When we understand ourselves, our personal style and how that ‘looks’ to others we develop self-awareness that enables us to adapt to working with others in different situations. In turn this improves communication, reduces conflict and creates a more productive organisation.
Undertaking a DISC profile assessment is a powerful professional development experience for individuals and teams; however not all DISC profiles are created equal.
The Quality of DISC Assessments in the Market Varies
Some people believe that there is only one version of the DISC personality assessment. While all DISC assessments are based on the theories put forward by William Moulton Marston and most use a similar questionnaire, there are differences between each approach.
MiTraining uses the DISC Advanced assessment tool which is considered to be the most validated and in-depth instrument of its type. The DISC Advanced system is not just more advanced but is also more complete.
The framework is designed to provide practical and useable information. Often behavioural assessment systems are incomplete, leaving participants wondering, “What now?”
The DISC Advanced process provides a platform for achieving real results. It is easy to use and designed specifically for the workplace.
The DISC Individual Assessment Report paired with an expertly facilitated DISC workshop will provide the group (and the organisation) with a common framework to build on the group’s capability in other leadership and management skill sets.
DISC is a behavioural assessment tool based on the psychology of four different personality styles: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Compliance.
- At an individual level, the assessment develops a deep understanding of how they are perceived by others, what makes them tick and how they can adapt their approach in working with others in different situations.
- At a team level, the assessment tool provides a comprehensive insight into how different personality styles can work together in harmony and perform at a high level.
Why Organisations Use DISC Advanced
MiTraining’s clients have used the DISC Advanced assessment, report and half-day workshop for a myriad of reasons including team building, communication skills development, conflict resolution, and dealing with difficult people.
Some organisations use the tool to improve sales or customer service skills as well as for leadership development.
The overarching motivation, however, is always increasing self-awareness, improving tolerance of differences, and team communication to boost efficiency, productivity and problem solving.
MiTraining’s Approach to Unpacking DISC Advanced
MiTraining issues the nominated participants with an online DISC Advanced individual assessment prior to a scheduled half-day, face-to-face workshop.
Each participant is provided with a hard copy of their own personal assessment report at the workshop. The assessment report is not shared with participants prior to the workshop to ensure each participant has a sound understanding of the theory behind the assessment to avoid any misinterpretation of results.
During the workshop, MiTraining’s expert facilitator explores the many DISC profiles which in turn develops the individual’s personal understanding of their profile.
What’s Included in a DISC Advanced Assessment Report?
The individual DISC Advanced assessment report includes:
- Behavioural style overview
- The Profiles – one that outlines a person’s ‘natural’ relationship to the DISC quadrants and another that shows what ‘adjustment’ a person has made in the workplace to accommodate their work environment
- DISC Advanced Behavioural Chart – where the person sits and how they compare to others
- Workplace predispositions – attributes describing the person
- Individual strengths
- Individual development areas
- Behavioural Trait Intensity
- How others perceive the person
- Reaction modes under pressure and in conflict
- Communication style
DISC Advanced Features
The DISC report also has an advanced section providing an Advanced Interrelated Behavioural Analysis. This provides a significantly more comprehensive understanding of someone’s complete behavioural style and a much deeper understanding of human behaviour.
The participant benefits from a range of “what now” tools and tips including:
- Tips for others on how to communicate with the individual
- Strategies to reduce conflict and increase harmony
- An overview of the various styles
- How to identify another person’s behavioural style
- How to adapt to the various styles
- How to communicate with the various styles
- Conversation starters that can be very useful when reviewing the assessment results
- Action Plan – worksheets, which enable the subject to create desired change
What Our Clients Say
Our training has a satisfaction score of 4.8/5.0 stars, and we receive great feedback regarding the DISC Advanced workshop.
Here is what Dan Hills, from CSIRO Australia said:
“Participating in MiTraining's DISC Advanced workshop, facilitated by their knowledgeable facilitator, was an exceptional and enriching experience for our CSIRO Commercial Contracts team.
"The engaging and interactive training provided valuable insights and practical tools, enhancing our communication and interpersonal skills through application of DISC principles in real work scenarios. We wholeheartedly recommend this course to individuals and organisations aiming to amplify their communication capabilities.”
Undertake a DISC Advanced Workshop with MiTraining
Learn more about how a DISC Advanced Workshop can benefit your team. Contact enquiries@mitraining.edu.au or phone 1300 549 190.